The humble potato is a tuber originally cultivated in Peru. When properly prepared potatoes can satisfy (almost) all human nutritional needs. The potato was responsible for the health of the Irish population during past centuries. Unfortunately, over reliance on potatoes resulted in widespread famine when potatoes crops failed.
This webpage was been prepared for the Web Site Creation course at Dawson College.
All the information you need to know about potatoes can be found on the wikipedia page, here: Potato, Wikipedia.
To know more about the mass starvation in Ireland, called the Great Famine, click on the lick following; Great Famine in Ireland, Wikipedia.
Organisations have been created all around the world to protect the process of potatoes cultivation. Here is a link of one organisation: Potato World Oganization.
Want ideas to cook potatoes? Click on the next link to have recipes! Potatoes recipes.